Core tip: the Imperial College London and Norwegian University Science & Technology researchers in "BMC medicine" magazine published an article that they analyzed 20 of past research found that the average daily eating 1 ounces (28 grams) nuts can risk of dying from respiratory diseases decreased 50%, diabetes risk reduction of 40%, the risk of coronary heart disease 1/3, reduce cancer risk reduction of 15%.
Said nuts is healthy, but you know, nuts may also than you think!
Imperial College London and Norwegian University Science & Technology researchers in "BMC medicine" magazine published an article that they analyzed 20 of past research found that the average daily eating 1 ounces (28 grams) nuts can risk of dying from respiratory diseases decreased 50%, diabetes risk reduction of 40%, reducing the risk of coronary heart disease, 1/3 cancer risk reduction of 15%.
The researchers say, in all kinds of nuts, walnuts are especially helpful for prevention of cancer, and peanut's "strength" is the prevention of stroke. Of course, you can also eat almonds, hazelnuts, cashews, pecans or pistachios. In addition to the many drawbacks of fat nuts, contain polyunsaturated fatty acids, fiber, magnesium and vitamin E. These substances can help the body break down cholesterol and reduce insulin resistance, protect the heart and blood vessels.
However, due to the high calorie nut should not eat, but the study does not show that eating more can enhance the control effect.